COPENHELL Metal Cruise 2024
to Oct 27

COPENHELL Metal Cruise 2024

We’re thrilled to return to COPENHELL METAL CRUISE 2024, and ready to capture all the raw, epic moments of metal madness on the open sea. This is our second year sailing with the best metalheads around, and we’re just as excited as ever. Get ready for killer photos, video highlights of the performances, and the everyday vibes from a crowd. Stay in the loop by following us on Instagram's @moshmallowsdk, YouTube's @moshamallowsdk, and Check out last year’s video below:

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Copenhell Family Reunion Vol. IV

Copenhell Family Reunion Vol. IV

It's our first time attending Copenhell Family Reunion as Moshmallows! This year, we're especially excited because alongside amazing bands like LIK, PERSECUTOR, LIFESICK, and HENRET, our very own Daniel will perform on stage with LAMENTARI.

Pictures and videos will be posted on our social hubs: Instagram @moshmallowsdk, YouTube @moshamallowsdk, and Join us on this wild ride by hitting that follow button!

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RADAR festival 2024 // UK
to Jul 28

RADAR festival 2024 // UK

Moshmallows are returning with a bang! Last year was a blast as we captured incredible videos and photos. This year, we're thrilled to be invited back to capture the energy of the crowd, the bands, and the festival vibe. If you missed out on our footage from last year, be sure to watch the video below!

Stay tuned for pictures and videos from this year, which will be shared on our social media platforms: Instagram @moshmallowsdk, YouTube @moshamallowsdk, and Don't miss out on joining us for this thrilling journey to the UK—hit that follow button!

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802 Roskilde Festival 2024

802 Roskilde Festival 2024

Our first time at Roskilde Festival, and we couldn’t be more excited! We're only attending for one day, but we know we'll have a blast shooting our friends 802. If you haven't seen our previous work with them, check out our dedicated page here.

802 will be performing on Monday, July 1st at 8:00 PM on the Gaia stage. Stay tuned for pictures and videos, which will be shared on our social media platforms: Instagram @moshmallowsdk, YouTube @moshamallowsdk, and Don't miss out on joining us for our first time at Roskilde festival—hit that follow button!

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to Jun 22


COPENHELL has evolved into a tradition for countless metal enthusiasts, extending its influence beyond Denmark's borders, where rumors of the northern thunder have ignited like wildfire. As one of northern Europe's premier rock and metal festivals, COPENHELL is curated by devoted rock and metal fans for the community! Moshmallows is gearing up for capturing mind-blowing pictures and wild videos. The excitement is beyond measure, and we can't wait! See you in the pit, all you devilish souls from hell! 🤘🔥

Pictures and videos will be posted on our social hubs: Instagram @moshmallowsdk, YouTube @moshamallowsdk, and Join us on this wild ride by hitting that follow button!

Moshmallows’ video highlights from the last year:

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LAMENTARI // Hotel Cecil

LAMENTARI // Hotel Cecil

Get ready for an evening shrouded in darkness, illuminated only by the gentle flicker of candlelight as LAMENTARI, featuring Daniel from Moshmallows, takes the stage at Hotel Cecil. The show, titled EX UMBRA IN LUCEM, promises to be more than just a concert; it's an invitation to explore the depths of our souls and embrace the darkness that dwells within.

And don't miss out! Right after the show, we'll swiftly share captivating pictures and videos on our social media platforms— @moshmallowsdk (Instagram), @moshamallowsdk (youtube) and the official gallery ( Follow us for an engaging journey into the heart of black metal, with exclusive captured moments awaiting you.

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Gradience + support: Cold Culture // URBAN 13

GRADIENCE, a fresh Danish duo, shatters mental and musical barriers with their dynamic blend of trap-rap, black metal, metalcore, and deathcore. On the 18th, we're joining the release party for their debut EP. We're thrilled to bring our cameras to capture this event and mosh together with the crowd!

Pictures and videos will be posted on our social hubs: Instagram @moshmallowsdk, YouTube @moshamallowsdk, and Join us on this wild ride by hitting that follow button!

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SPOT Metal 2024

SPOT Metal 2024

Our tradition of Moshmallows at the SPOT festival continues this year. We're excited to capture photos, shoot videos and thrilled to offer you an exclusive glimpse behind the scenes! Stay tuned, as right after the festival, we'll promptly share our content on our social media pages— @moshmallowsdk (Instagram), @moshamallowsdk (youtube) and the official gallery ( Follow us for an exclusive pass to the breathtaking moments we've captured.

Bands this year:

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Me And That Man EU Tour 2024

Me And That Man EU Tour 2024

On Friday evening, March 29th, Moshmallows will be joining the Me and That Man EU Tour at Pumpehuset. We're thrilled for our second encounter with the devilish sounds of Me and That Man, led by Nergal. If you missed our video from the Me and That Man show at Copenhell Metal Cruise, check out the video recap and photos below! And stay tuned, as we'll be sharing more after the Pumpehuset gig.

Pictures and videos from the Me and That Man EU Tour at Pumpehuset will be posted on our social hubs: Instagram @moshmallowsdk, YouTube @moshamallowsdk, and Join us on this wild ride by hitting that follow button!

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Nakkeknækker // HeadQuarters + Beta2300
to Feb 24

Nakkeknækker // HeadQuarters + Beta2300

This time, we're gearing up to capture both performances of Nakkeknækker in two cities: our hometown, Copenhagen, and on the road to Århus! We're pumped and fully prepared for two wild evenings with sold-out shows. We're ready to mosh and hopefully not get moshed, haha.

Pictures and videos will be posted on our social hubs: Instagram @moshmallowsdk, YouTube @moshamallowsdk, and Join us on this wild ride by hitting that follow button!

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When Copenhell Freezes Over 2024

When Copenhell Freezes Over 2024

COPENHELL is back for the 11th time, showcasing Denmark's finest new bands from the hard genres to a gathering of 30 international industry professionals at When Copenhell Freezes Over 2024. This marks our second swing at the event as Moshmallows, and we're stoked to capture unforgettable moments. Join us on this adventure, follow our journey, and brace yourself for breathtaking photos and epic performance video highlights! We'll be sharing pictures and videos right after the show on our socials — @moshmallowsdk (Instagram), @moshamallowsdk (youtube) and the official gallery ( Follow us for an exclusive pass to the exciting moments we've captured.

COPENHELL og MXD har i over et årti hjulpet adskillige danske rock- og metalbands ud over landets grænser med pladekontrakter og international repræsentation hos agenturer og managements samt generelt øget den internationale opmærksomhed på den danske musikscene.

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Temple of Doom: LAMENTARI + Horned Almighty // Templet

Temple of Doom: LAMENTARI + Horned Almighty // Templet

Prepare for an epic black metal night featuring Daniel from Moshmallows and his band LAMENTARI, alongside Horned Almighty, at Templet on December 8th! Get ready for an unforgettable experience, with exclusive pictures and videos shared immediately after the show on our socials — @moshmallowsdk (Instagram), @moshamallowsdk (youtube) and the official gallery ( Follow us for an engaging journey into the heart of black metal, with exclusive captured moments awaiting you.

Temple of Doom indtager Templet og byder på storladen satanisk symfonisk black med Lamentari, og rock/punket blackmetal med Horned Almighty.

Koncertstart: 21:00

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KATLA (support: Karavan) // Pumpehuset

KATLA (support: Karavan) // Pumpehuset

We're eagerly prepared to capture photos and shoot videos of the KATLA show at Pumephuset. We're also thrilled to offer you an exclusive glimpse behind the scenes with the band! Stay tuned, as right after the show, we'll promptly share our content on our social media pages— @moshmallowsdk (Instagram), @moshamallowsdk (youtube) and the official gallery ( Follow us for an exclusive pass to the breathtaking moments we've captured.

De soniske doom-mestre Katla er klar til at vælte Pumpehuset.

Katlas lyd er ekstrem, og deres liveshows er en stor livsfejring. Med elementer af sludge-, black og døds-metal formår de at skabe et tungt og fuzzet lydbillede, som de samtidig balancerer med en ordentlig røvfuld selvironi. En aften med Katla byder nemlig på langt hår, læderveste med bare maver under og fuldskæg med masser af ølrester i. De spiller hårdt, og fejrer hvert show, som var det deres sidste, og derfor får publikum altid en unik og uforglemmelig oplevelse af Katla live! Det kunne man i den grad opleve til deres højroste koncert på Copenhell i 2022.

Trioen har deres korte levetid opnået anerkendelse på den danske metalscene. De modtog blandt andet otte ud af 10 dødningehoveder fra musikbloggen for deres show 2020-EP Warmongering Luciferians Chapter 1. var også begejstrede for deres Copenhell-show i 2022, hvor de blandt andet skrev "show der bød på ild, konstant crowdsurf og helhjertet headbanging".

Senest har Katla på Danmarksturné med Baest, men nu er de klar med deres headliner-show på Pumpehuset.

Support: Karavan

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to Oct 29


We're beyond thrilled to capture memories at COPENHELL METAL CRUISE 2023! As Moshmallows, this is our first time in the event – and we're diving in headfirst. Once the music fades, expect breathtaking photos, epic performance video-highlights, and daily vibes. Find them all on our social hubs: Instagram's @moshmallowsdk, YouTube's @moshamallowsdk, and Join us on this wild ride by hitting that follow button – you won't want to miss a beat.

This year marks the sixth time that COPENHELL in a partnership with DFDS bids the festival’s audience and rock and metal fans of all ages welcome aboard the good ship Crown – also known as the ‘Oslo boat’. The total COPENHELL Metal Cruise 2023 line-up is: DOG EAT DOG, ME AND THAT MAN, BERSÆRK, URNE, HATESPHERE, UNTO OTHERS, SKULLCLUB and 802.

More about the event:

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Persecutor (Release) + Rambuk + ÊTRE // Urban 13

Persecutor (Release) + Rambuk + ÊTRE // Urban 13

The thrash metal band, Persecutor, is set to launch their latest release at Garagen! Joining them on stage are Rambuk and ÊTRE. We're thrilled to bring our cameras to capture this event and mosh together with the crowd!

Pictures and videos will be posted on our social hubs: Instagram @moshmallowsdk, YouTube @moshamallowsdk, and Join us on this wild ride by hitting that follow button!

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Thy Art Is Murder - Godlike EU/UK Tour 2023

Thy Art Is Murder - Godlike EU/UK Tour 2023

We are thrilled about capturing pictures and creating video show-recaps for Thy Art is Murder and Whitechapel, Fit for an Autopsy, Spite. Once the shows conclude, we will promptly share our content on both our social media pages @moshmallowsdk (Instagram) and @moshamallowsdk (youtube) and the official gallery ( Follow us to ensure you don't miss these incredible moments that we've captured!


Special Guests
Fit for an Autopsy

Deathcore-bandet THY ART IS MURDER er en af Australiens mest brutale eksportvarer og står som et af det 21. århundredes bedste ekstremmetalnavne.

Den 9. maj 2023 udgav bandet førstesinglen Join Me in Armageddon’ og en tilhørende musikvideo. Samtidig annoncerede de, at deres kommende, sjette studiealbum ’Godlike’ udkommer 15. september 2023. I forlængelse af det drager de på turné med en vild pakke bestående af Whitechapel, Fit For An Autopsy og Spite.

’Godlike’ er det næste skridt opad, der cementerer Thy Art Is Murder som ekstremmetallens moderne fakkelbærere. Tematisk konfronterer sangene, hvordan separationsfølelser bidrager over tid til en voldsspiral, som bandet forklarer.

Imens vi spændt venter på at høre, hvordan australierne forløser dét musikalsk, kan vi glæde os til live-braget 2. oktober i spillestedet Amager Bio.

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Copenhagen Metal Fest 2023
to Sep 16

Copenhagen Metal Fest 2023

We're thrilled to announce that we're producing an official aftermovie for the Copenhagen Metal Festival, and we'll also be capturing performances from bands like Bersæk, Henret, and Swartzheim. As soon as the festival wraps up, we'll swiftly share our content on our social media platforms: @moshmallowsdk on Instagram, @moshamallowsdk on YouTube, and the official gallery at Don't forget to follow us to catch all these amazing moments we've captured!

Så er tiden atter kommet til at fejre både den etablerede og den spirende danske metalscene!

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Humanity’s Last Breath [SE] + Signs Of the Swarm [US] + Support: Hanging The Nihilist

Humanity’s Last Breath [SE] + Signs Of the Swarm [US] + Support: Hanging The Nihilist

Humanity's Last Breath is set to hit the stage at Stengade on August 13th, joined by Signs Of the Swarm, and supported by Hanging The Nihilist, all set to deliver an intense night of deathcore music.

We'll be there to capture the essence of these performances, gathering snapshots and video show-recaps, which we'll swiftly share across our social media channels: @moshmallowsdk (Instagram) and @moshamallowsdk (youtube) and the official gallery ( Stay connected with us so you won't miss out on being front and center for these unforgettable moments that we've preserved!

More about the event: Stengade

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DEVILSTONE // Lithuania
to Jul 16

DEVILSTONE // Lithuania

Follow our journey on Instagram @moshmallowsdk !

A festival of music, arts, and extreme rock’n’roll in the town of Anykščiai in Lithuania.

Settled in the beautiful Dainuva valley on the banks of the picturesque river {The Saint}, Devilstone hosts a variety of exciting, heavy, and relevant acts in rock, metal, and alternative electronic music hailing from all over the world. The latest and the most desirable trends are represented by more than fifty entertaining musical discoveries accompanied by exhibitions & performances by trendy & crazy artists.

About the festival

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STÜGG releasekoncert + support: Loksmith og Conover

STÜGG releasekoncert + support: Loksmith og Conover

Klaverfabrikken inviterer til release-koncert for et af Hillerøds lokale metal-bands: STÜGG:


STÜGG er et metalband, der består af fem mænd i midten af 20’erne. De har spillet siden begyndelsen af 2017, men har alle over 10 års erfaring med deres instrumenter. Genren er thrash-metal med en blanding af groove-metal og metalcore.

STÜGG har spillet livekoncerter siden 2019, hvor de deltog i talentkonkurrencen Emergenza Festival og nåede helt til finalen.

Nu udgiver bandet sit andet album: Shephard of the Pit. STÜGG har sin faste gang på Klaverfabrikken, når de sammen med andre lokale talenter spiller i øvelokalerne. Det samme gælder det første af aftenens to support-bands, Loksmith:


Loksmith er et dansk, progressivt rockband, som henter inspiration fra kunstnere som Muse, Deftones og Dizzy Mizz Lizzy for at skabe tunge, vrede meta sange, melankolsk fløderock og alt derimellem.

De fire bandmedlemmer mødtes som 16-årige og opdagede hurtigt en fælles ambition og entusiasme for at skabe musik, som de brugte Covid-19-lockdown på at raffinere. Siden da har bandet opbygget et bibliotek af sange med en bred vifte af genrer under rock-paraplyen.

På scenen tryllebinder Loksmith både metalheads og poplyttere med en energisk optræden, en god blanding af både underlig og tilgængelig musik, en balance som bandet udmærker sig ved at opnå. Der er massere af hoppen, syngen og dansen at finde i Loksmiths lille lyddimension.


Conover består af tre unge mænd, Jens, Bjørn og Benjamin. Med deres friske mindset skiller bandet sig ud og ligner ikke ligefrem det stereotypiske hverdags-metalband. Deres image er baseret på at holde sig uden for klichérne.

Med smilende attitude stræber de efter at vise, at uanset hvem man er, og hvad man er til, kan man lytte til deres musik og være med til deres koncerter.

Det kom for nylig til udtryk, da de spillede for 400 mennesker i Pumpehuset til finalen på Emergenza Festival og vandt. Her fik Conover virkelig godt gang i et publikum, der ellers ikke lytter til metal til dagligt.

Hvis man er til hardcore, metalcore og alt ind imellem, er Conover en oplevelse værd!

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SPOT-Festival sætter spot på metalmusikken!

En særskilt dag under festivalen er reserveret på TRAINs scene til metalmusikken.

Denne aften er viet til de tunge toner når SPOT-Festival og spillestedet TRAIN åbner for den talentfulde og spirende danske metalscene.

Ambitionen er at sætte spot på et udvalg af aktuelle musikalske talenter, der p.t. er med til og kommer til at tegne den danske metalscene.

➤ Solbrud
➤ Feather Mountain
➤ Temple of Scorn
➤ Omsorg

✦ Dørene åbner: kl. 18.00
✦ Koncertstart: kl. 19.00
✦ Ståpladser

Præsenteret af SPOT, MXD – Music Export Denmark & TRAIN.

Entré: 50,- DKK + gebyr eller med SPOT-armbånd.

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Extremely Rotten Death Metal Vol. 19

Extremely Rotten Death Metal Vol. 19

Extremely Rotten Productions and Pumpehuset presents the 19th edition of the ERDM showcases - starting with two shows in Byhaven and then moving inside with 3 more bands.


- Barbaric death metal splatter

- Grinding death metal putridity

- Local rocking deathgore


- Pulsating death grind rot

- Local thrashing blackened death metal extremity


Byhaven doors: 15.00
Free entry

Pumpehuset doors: 20.00
Tickets: 200 kr.

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Grima, Kanonenfieber + Support: Warfect  Copenhagen // Sold Out

Grima, Kanonenfieber + Support: Warfect Copenhagen // Sold Out

“Grima, our almighty god, weeps in the sight of all this destruction unholy beings have brought upon us. But no one can hear our lamentations, as we speak a long forgotten tongue. For this reason we are pleased to announce a "Frostbitten" journey through the mainland with our friends whom we met last summer who share our conviction but in a different and more direct approach. Please cheer for the human mill and German anti-war blackened death metal outfit Kanonenfieber.”

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